Knowledge Base / FAQ

ID: KB00326EN | short link:
Using multiple MIDI applications under Windows simultaneously
It sometimes happens that you want to use multiple MIDI capable applications at the same time but unfortunately the standard MIDI driver from Microsoft does not allow this. For instance when you use Xjam and your DAW it can happen that either the Xjam Editor App or your DAW / MIDI sequencer software cannot access the hardware. Also sometimes it might be a requirement to use a separate MIDI utility alongside your DAW, i.e. to edit patches or sounds on an external synthesizer.
To solve this issue, ESI provides the universal MIDI Port driver v1.5 (or higher) for Windows 10 and Windows 11. This driver is multiclient capable, so you can use as many MIDI compatible applications accessing the same port at the same time, as you like.
As an added benefit, this driver also allows you to use multiple ESI MIDI products simultaneously using a single driver.
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