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Knowledge Base / FAQ

ID: KB00220EN   |   short link:

Issues with MAYA44 USB and OS X 10.10 - Yosemite

In order to make sure that MAYA44 USB works under OS X 10.10 (Yosemite), it is important that our driver version 2.1.0 is not installed on the system. We have a new installer package with version 2.2p on our download page. Make sure to use this or a higher version.

Please also make sure that in case driver version 2.1.0 has been installed on your system before, it should be uninstalled with the uninstaller inside the v2.1.0 driver package first:

This ensures that this driver is completely removed. The new v2.2p package uses the CoreAudio driver from Apple and provides a Control Panel for MAYA44 USB that will be installed to your applications folder. You might need to reboot your system and reconnect MAYA44 USB before you can use it in your applications.

If the uninstaller cannot be opened, check these details.

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