Knowledge Base / FAQ

ID: KB00142EN   |   short link:

How can I change the input gain on Juli@ / Juli@ XTe?

The input level of Juli@ / Juli@ XTe is either set to +4dBu or-10dBV levels, depending on how the analog I/O PCB has been installed on the card (please refer this article or to the manual to get more information on how to change it). The input level gain cannot be changed via the driver control panel, it is fixed to these levels. The control panel only allows you to change the monitoring level (= what you can hear). This means you might want to adjust the output level of your recording source when recording. Also keep in mind that the hardware has very high quality ADC components, with a high dynamic range, so you could record a signal leaving some headroom and adjust the level later in software (i.e. through normalizing), depending on the situation. Further notes on connecting external signal sources can be found here.

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